Solomun + Live Announces Line ups for Destino & Ushuaia

June 3, 2016
in Category: News
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Solomun + Live Announces Line ups for Destino & Ushuaia

After much anticipation, the line-ups for Solomun’s popular and influential +live night at Destino and Ushuaia can now be announced.

The night, of course, finds the Diynamic label boss and global house star playing a set of his own, with a hand pick guest performing a very special live set. Each party kicks off with Igor Marijuan from Ibiza Sonica Radio at 4pm, then from 6-8pm offers a Diynamic label star playing warm up and then the live act plays from 8-9pm, with the big man Solomun then taking the reins for the final hours of the party.

It all kicks off on June 23rd at Ushuaia with Pig & Dan and Dynamic family member H.O.S.H., then 28th July is at Destino with Innervisions man Henrik Schwarz and Diynamic’s Karmon. Into August and the 11th is headlined by none other than Wagon Repair chief Mathew Johnson and representing Diynamic will be Musumeci. Rodriguez Jr and Undercatt then take the reins on the 25th, Kollektiv Turmstrasse and Adriatique are in charge at Ushuaia on the 14th of September and Stephan Bodzin and a return set from H.O.S.H. then close out the season on September 21st

For tickets check the Ibiza Disco Ticket calendar.

23.06. – Ushuaia: PIG & DAN, H.O.S.H., Igor Marijuan Ibiza Sonica Radio

30.06. – Destino: ISOLEE, Lehar, Igor Marijuan Ibiza Sonica Radio

28.07. – Destino: HENRIK SCHWARZ, Karmon, Igor Marijuan Ibiza Sonica Radio

11.08. – Destino: MATHEW JONSON, Musumeci, Igor Marijuan Ibiza Sonica Radio

25.08. – Destino: RODRIGUEZ JR., Undercatt, Igor Marijuan Ibiza Sonica Radio

14.09. – Ushuaia: KOLLEKTIV TURMSTRASSE, Adriatique, Igor Marijuan Ibiza Sonica Radio

21.09. – Ushuaia: STEPHAN BODZIN, H.O.S.H., Igor Marijuan Ibiza Sonica Radio


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