Amnesia opening news

May 26, 2016
in Category: News
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Amnesia opening news

There’s been much chat and island gossip about the Amnesia opening but this is the latest to be happening on Saturday night. Take note because the change of times is staggering. This is the official news released by Amnesia Ibiza. You can purchase tickets online now.

We need your support!

You will never dance alone friends and promoters; We are Ibiza

10 years ago, we had to fight alone against the schedule restrictions on the clubs and the “afterhours” prohibition in Ibiza, that supossed to us the sanction to close for 1 month in 2007.

At this year 2016 and trough the constant pressures by the institutions of the island, restricting the schedule´s clubs to promote other interests and having accepted and paid all the fines that have been imposed us and deny one more time the exceptionality of a morning schedule for the Opening.

Although don´t share the decision of the official institutions and before this drastic negative, Amnesia has decided to accept it and change their Opening time from 16: 00h to 06: 00h, producing 14 hours of music followed with new additions on the final Line up as Ricardo Villalobos, Pan – Pot and many more surprises to celebrate the biggest party that Ibiza has seen in a long time and will never forget; because, despite the continuous obstacles and disadvantages that put us on the road, we will fight that the magic continues in Ibiza and avoid that the music stops.

Finally, we apologize for the constant changes of schedule, due to external causes that have wanted to avoid the most important event of the summer that has held and affected many of you personally.


* You can use this hashtag to manifest your impressions and opinions about that, whoever you are.

See you on the 28th of May, family!


Nunca caminaréis solos amigos y promotores; todos somos Ibiza

Hace ahora 10 años , tuvimos que luchar en solitario contra la restricción de horarios

de las discotecas y la prohibición de los “ afterhours “ en Ibiza . Eso nos supuso la sanción de cierre por 1 mes en el año 2007.

Llegados a este año 2016 y ante las constantes presiones de las instituciones de la Isla, por restringir el horario de las discotecas para favorecer otros intereses y tras haber aceptado y pagado todas las multas que se nos han impuesto, se nos ha vuelto a negar la excepcionalidad de un horario matinal para el Opening .

A pesar de que no compartimos esta decisión de los estamentos oficiales y ante esta drástica negativa, Amnesia ha decidido acatar la decisión y cambiar su horario de apertura de 16:00h hasta 06:00h, produciendo 14 horas de música seguida con nuevas incorporaciones al Line Up definitivo como Ricardo Villalobos, Pan – Pot y alguna sorpresa más para celebrar la fiesta más grande que haya visto Ibiza en mucho tiempo y que jamás olvidaréis; ya que, a pesar de los continuos obstáculos e inconvenientes que nos pongan en el camino, seguiremos luchando para que la magia continúe en Ibiza y evitar que la música deje de sonar .

En último lugar, queremos pedir disculpas por los constantes cambios de calendario, ocasionados por causas externas que han querido impedir que se celebre el evento más importante del verano y que ha afectado a muchos de vosotros personalmente.


*Puedes utilizar este hashtag para manifestarnos tus impresiones y opinión acerca de este tema, seas quien seas.

¡Nos vemos el 28 de mayo, familia!

Further info on our website!” More info here

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