Interview with DJ Alex Ellenger – Ibiza
We thought we’d do a series of interviews here at Ibiza Disco Ticket, with those who are heavily involved in the music industry on the island.
Many of whom have been a part of the evolution of sound here throughout the years, and many who continue to thrive in the business today.
Our first instalment comes from Ibiza resident, producer and DJ Alex Ellenger.
Alex has played at some of the biggest and best venues on the island during his 25 years here, including the legendary SPACE and Privilege clubs.
Q: When did you first start DJing?
A: When I was around 9 years old, my brothers had a mobile disco. I used to beg them to let me go with them and play a few records. But as a full time DJ? I’d say it was 92′, when I started working in record stores and the music industry properly.
Q: Where was the first place you played here in Ibiza?
A: The first place I ever played a record was in a bar called Simple Bar on the West End, which is known today as Soul City. I was brought over to be the bars second resident DJ, alongside Jon Ulysses. I’d literally just landed, went straight to the bar with my records and suitcases. The manager (Julian Cobby), greeted me then said “well you’re here now, you might as well jump on straight away”! So I did. That was on May 13th 1997.
Q: What were the biggest barriers of trying to make it as a DJ in Ibiza during that time?
A: It actually wasn’t as difficult back then as it is now. There wasn’t many DJs around, and you had to be really into it to keep buying records all the time. If you were a DJ, you tended to get gigs really easily. Especially if you didn’t mind playing for a few free drinks! I just love it, and would jump at the chance to play anywhere and everywhere, and I usually did!

Alex Ellenger
Q: If you could have done anything else for a career, what would it be and why?
A: Fighter pilot, because it’s every boys dream isn’t it?
Q: Do you think the changes here over time are a positive, or negative for the island?
A: It’s hard to say really. Some changes are positive, and some are negative. As much as I love a bit of nostalgia, it’s always important to look forward to the future with an open mind. Ibiza is an ever changing and evolving entity, and it’s one of the things I love about it here. I don’t subscribe to the notion that “ibiza was better back in the day”.
Maybe it was for some people because their situation has changed. However, for the ‘kids’ coming here now for the first time, they will probably turn round in 25 years and say, “Ibiza was better back in the early 20’s”. I think it’s all subjective really. Personally, with all the things I have seen change, it doesn’t really bother me too much as I still love it here.
Q: Where’s your favourite club you’re ever played at, could be anywhere in the world?
A: It would have to be Amnesia. I used to play there a fair bit in the late 90’s and early 00’s, mostly alongside Tony Oneto and Dermot C for God’s Kitchen. My favourite memory was Amnesia closing party 98′. Taking a record bag with me, even though I wasn’t meant to be playing. I remember badgering the guy who was DJing in the main room (Lolo) to let me play a few tracks back to back with him.
He was having none of it! Then Jason Bye asked me if I had my records with me, and if so did I want to play on the terrace from 11am? Hell yeah! I remember calling my mate, Alan Prosser, (who’s number was the only mobile number I could remember off the top of my head) from the phone booth that used to be on Amnesia terrace.
I told him that I’m about to play Amnesia closing party, and all the crew were here, and it was going to be epic blah blah. The gig was brilliant, and I ended up playing til around 1pm. It was a proper blast. When he finally got hold of me (around 3 days later), he told me he had heard the message, but had no way of contacting me. Alan was proper buzzing for me, and wanted to know all about it. He told me later that he kept that voicemail on his phone for years afterwards.
Q: And the worst club?
A: Ha! I’ve played in some stinkers over the years! But a lot of the time the worst clubs often have the best vibes. I think for me the worst clubs are the ones that don’t pay you after the gig. Thankfully there hasn’t been too many of them.
Q: Do you see yourself staying here forever, or do you have plans to go anywhere else?
A: No plans to go anywhere!
Q: If you could play anywhere in the world that you haven’t played before, where would it be and why?
A: I would love to play in Japan, not sure why, but the different culture-clubbing there really appeals to me there.
Q: Difficult one, but if you could pick your all time favourite 3 tracks to play here in Ibiza, what would they be.
A: Protection – Massive Attack at sunset. Amazingly emotional song. Even if you just listen to the overall sound of the track whilst watching the sunset. It seems to alter your brainwaves into a really pleasing shape. 2. Too many great house records to narrow it down to just a few, way too many. 3. See answer 2.
By Alexandra Ellis